Membership Loyalty Beyond Savings: How Travel Rewards Drive Engagement

Don’t you wish you could increase engagement in your membership organization? Imagine being able to achieve that critical goal with just a few strategic adjustments to your approach to member loyalty - adjustments that lean into your members' desires for travel, value, and unique experiences.  

Our recent report, The Benefits of Belonging: An Analysis of Membership-based Organizations, Their Constituents, and Their Loyalty Strategies, reveals that 93% of membership organizations offer travel booking services. But here’s the disconnect - nearly 30% of members rarely book travel through their membership organizations. 

This untapped potential represents a golden opportunity to boost member engagement and loyalty by offering travel and lifestyle rewards, including exclusive deals and experiences.  

Mastering Membership Loyalty, our new checklist for elevating membership loyalty, focuses on the massive value attached to travel and lifestyle rewards--both for members who love these types of benefits and for organizations that can leverage them to spark growth and improve retention. 

Your Members Want to Save Money on Travel 

According to another of our reports, 2024 Loyalty Trends: The Role of Travel Loyalty Programs in the New Value Economy, nearly half (49%) of consumers say saving money on travel is what they value most from their loyalty programs. This is because travel and lifestyle rewards hold a far-reaching impact: they’re about fueling passions and connecting with brands they love.  

By offering a diverse range of travel and lifestyle rewards, you can attract more members and give them access to meaningful experiences. This adds value and deepens your connection with them. 

Will this lead to explosive member growth and retention for your membership organization? Download our checklist, Mastering Membership Loyalty, and discover the loyalty strategies that offer value and lead to growth and retention. 

Turn Travel Loyalty into Emotional Bonds  

Travel and lifestyle rewards bolster the value proposition of belonging to an organization. Since having a shared interest is already an emotional bond, demonstrating that membership is appreciated and valued via rewards and benefits strengthens those connections. 

Tap into these emotions and learn how your membership organization can build long-term advocacy. Download our checklist to learn more about how a travel and lifestyle rewards portfolio can create emotional bonds with your members. 

Unlock the Power of Personalized Travel and Lifestyle Rewards 

Tailoring personalized travel and lifestyle rewards around individuals’ interests not only creates deeper emotional connections but also gives members more reasons to interact with your organization. Since nearly 70% of members surveyed in our report say they desire personalized travel and lifestyle rewards, membership organizations that can fulfill these expectations will receive a boost in retention, acquisition, and participation. 

Personalized travel and lifestyle rewards make your members feel more recognized by your membership organization, leading to increased satisfaction and engagement. These types of members are more likely to become advocates because of their brand affinity. 

Are personalized travel and lifestyle rewards the secret weapon for building member loyalty?  Most membership organizations offer travel booking, but engagement levels aren’t where they should be. By providing travel and lifestyle rewards, your membership organization can bridge that gap as it creates emotional connections through unique experiences and savings. 

If you want to learn more about personalization, the power of travel and lifestyle rewards, and the emotional bonds you can build from them, our checklist, Mastering Membership Loyalty: 6 Strategies to Improve Member Growth and Retention, is just for you. 

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