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Top 8 Things we learned at the Experiences & Loyalty Round Table

Missed our digital roundtable on experiences and loyalty on September 24th? Don’t worry, we’ve organized the top eight things we learned from the discussion along with the recording and webinar deck

8. There are significant cultural and regional differences in the type of trips preferred by travelers.

Travelers from South Korea and China wanted to relax the most, followed by Italy, Germany and France. U.S. travelers are middle of the pack in terms of their desire for relaxation vs. adventure. 

7. Millennials and Seniors research activities completely differently

Seniors (65+) like to wait until they are in- market and ask an expert, and they have an idea of who that expert is, many times a concierge. Millennials are planners - they know in advance what they'll be doing in-destination. 

6. Consumer spending is up and demanding a higher portion of their travel budget 

Activities and experiences account for between 40-50% of Millennials' travel budget.

- Nishank Gopal, Tui, Musement 

5. 81% of Millennials say they love to explore a culture through food 

People have been dining with others for thousands of years... The original social network was the dining table.

4. Experiences can drive up NPS scores 

Tui researched purchasers who purchased travel or cruise only, versus travelers who also purchased a tour, attraction ticket, of experience. NPS scores increased by 18% with the group that purchased an experience.

3. Social media plays a huge part in experiential travel 

61% of young adults say that social media magnifies the ‘FOMO’ that they have and it is a motivating factor to engage in experiences.

“Millenials and Gen Z Travelers are 85% more likely to share instagrammable moments that they are experiencing as opposed to sharing an image of items that they are buying.

- Kenneth Purcell, iSeatz 

2. The “70% Rule” 

70% of activity bookings happen in the seven days prior to the visit.

1. Enabling Points Redemption for Experiences can increase engagement 

Brands are all looking for ways to engage with their customers even when they are not traveling, staying or flying with them. They are looking to enable local experiences, regardless of where the travelers are.

To listen to the digital round table, please visit Experiences & Loyalty On-Demand. If you’d like to learn more about iSeatz or one of our panelists’ businesses. Please reach out at using the below contact information. 

Kenneth Purcell, CEO iSeatz

Tedd Evers, CEO TripTuner

Ken Frohling, Global Head - Business Development, EatWith

Nishank Gopal, Chief Business Officer Musement