The ability to define “company culture” has become table stakes in the current talent acquisition and retention landscape. Most companies use this as a placeholder for their perks, or they state that “everyone gets along super well” or “we’re a family!”
“Culture” is generally understood as a shared set of attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterize an institution or organization,” but what defines a company’s culture? Is it what they stand for? Is it what they celebrate? Is it how they grow?
Candidates applying for open positions are not just concerned with being a good fit for a company; they want to ensure the company is a good fit for them too. The easiest and most efficient way for candidates to determine this is through resources created for that specific purpose. These resources can come in the form of videos, infographics, or text. In recent years, we have seen the emergence of high-profile, scalable resources that offer a closer look into a company’s culture, such as the Netflix Culture Deck. This resource sets expectations and gives insights into workplace standards and behaviors at Netflix.
Here at iSeatz, we were inspired by those resources to draft our own iSeatz Culture Manifesto. With this manifesto, we seek to bring a unified understanding of what iSeatz brings to the table from an employer value proposition perspective, as well as how a prospective team member can expect to contribute to the overall success of our organization. The manifesto discusses how we get things done at iSeatz and the behaviors we believe will drive us to meet our highest-level objectives.
Within this manifesto, we also acknowledge that our company culture may not be the right fit for every individual, and we hope that through candid, honest transparency, we can attract and retain team members who add value, and depth to our culture. If a candidate reads our culture manifesto and ultimately determines iSeatz may not be the place for them, that is by no means a failure on anyone’s part. It is one of the desired outcomes of the manifesto. If iSeatz is not the right fit for a candidate, we want them to know as early into the application process as possible. In hopes of protecting precious time otherwise spent preparing, interviewing, and even passing up other opportunities that may have been a better fit.
The iSeatz Culture Manifesto includes sections such as Who We Are; Core Values; Communication & Transparency; Interdepartmental Collaboration; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI); Culture Add vs. Culture Fit; and more. We have also incorporated team member testimonials throughout the manifesto to provide real-life examples of what working at iSeatz means to them.
While this manifesto has been published in its current form, it (much like company culture) will continue to evolve. But, its purpose will always remain the same - to attract and retain team members who add value and depth to our culture through candid, honest transparency.
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